Based on this 2 words, financial planning, i really not familiar with it. When i get know them, i realized that it is same meaning as 'risk management on individual or SME'. Finally i get know that it is related to INSURANCE. :( a bit surprise? yes,i am.
Well, I get a try into this job, with titled 'Risk Management Advisor', sound good. :)
I started my presentations on this 3 days, with join presentation with my senior manager. Which is i will present, and he will evaluate my performance. What a pressure moment i been passed. First presentation i am so nervous, till i stuck in half way of my presentation, my mind is blank, and i cant remember those formula for calculate risk on living expenses, total saving of EPF, total return on investment....etc
Surprise again. This job required a lot of knowledge in calculating, especially for those 'probability theory'! Which i hate the most in my add-math subject during high school. More and more challenges for me on each day, i really stress, but i am still thankful to God, coz He gave me strength to continue, or else i may give up on the 2nd day. Life still go on,my job too. I faced a lot of rejection, no matter is on the phone or face to face. It is sad,but i think it is one of the key of successful. It also make me remember on how v facing rejection when we are sharing gospel with those non-believer and how v still keep faith in God.
In Christianity, JESUS is our best gift (product). Which we experienced Him, we know He loved us and scarified for us on the cross, and we wish that v can share this salvation with those non-believers. How many percent of those non-believer is going to listen to us? I do experienced a lot of rejection among my friends or street evangelism but v still go on! The bigger the rejection the stronger our faith! Because we have faith in Jesus, which v know He is the REAL! The mighty God! We can do that because v believe....Now i am too.
How can i link this to my job? Hey,that is different thing! Yup,but dunno y i always apply this concept in my current job. I have to know the importance of insurance 1st and insurance have to convince me that how it is going to work on me and my love1 before they can convince me to introduce it to my clients.I always remind myself i have to get myself professional in calculating risk. Not because of living expenses and try to get cases from my clients with those non-professional way! I dunno whether am i in the right track. But i believe God will lead me go on if all i did is under His will.
My life is getting harder at here, due to i dun have any salary. Should i still based on my confidence in Insurance and stay full-time in this field? God, i need your leading. I wish that i can found back my lost draft. That will lighten my expenses burden. But until today it is still in 'lost status'. What a sad news. I am making the worse result which i gonna lost this 2k.
Money is not everything,but it is something when v r in need, am i right?
Christian doesn't equivalent to the word 'poor'! God is blessing us all the time!!! I believe miracles is going to happen on me! :) cheers Praise.